Thursday, February 14, 2008

Retardted consumers

One day a year, people show more love in the world then any other day....
when every other day we need love more then anything....
welcome to v-day, the consumers buy out day. why does it take ONE DAY a year to say i love u, and the rest of the days to say, i dont want to be with u. No im not complaing cause this unholy hoilday always leaves me alone to wonder in my own insanity, but i dislike it for how people EXPECT loving presents...and EXPECT the I LOVE YOU's today. but tommorow, they will go back to the way they were, side by side and completley alone. Fuck the v-day, it unreal, its a single day in the year where we get to play fairy tale. yay im fuckin cinderella, livin in the 7 dwarves cabin, who will bring me gifts today, and a bed to sleep in where i will sleep for hundreds of years after pricking my finger on a spinning wheel. so let me sleep till the v-day cause that MUST be when MY prince will come. HOGWASH!!!!! This is not a holiday, this is a torturing 24 hours of undecency, where love shall reign and then fall harder then ever. stupid v-day, who the hell made this shit up anyways....?

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