Saturday, February 9, 2008

I could stare at you all night
Not blinking, afraid to take a breath
I saw ur own soul wrapped around u
Not inside u, but engulfing you
Caressing ur skin, your being, the way I wished I could
Did they see it to?Was it just me?
Did ur soul reach out and touch me
Did it ask my inner being to say hello
Was it a moment?
I think I stared at you all night
I wanted to feel ur heart beat
Wanted to make sure you were real
Is this how love feels
Can love be this sudden?
I now think deep thoughts of u
Deeper thoughts then I thought I could ever have
I’ve gone so far in my own mind
In my own soul
That im guaranteed to drown
From this I will never resurface
Are u my oxygen then?
As I would beg for the air to fill my lungs
That thought still wouldn’t be as strong…As the thoughts of you
Am I drowning in love?
This can hurt me,This does hurt me.
Once… love has sucked my life away,
But I returned , just as the waters from the river,
always return to the sea
My heart is like these never ending rivers,
.These twist and turns of land changing waters,
My heart changes me, can I drown again?
Wait…do you see me?
Can you pull me out, am I even drowning yet?
For now the waters clear
My lungs filled with air
Is this…how love feels?

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