Friday, February 29, 2008


My hearts not broken, i guess this is something you could argue with after reading my past blogs. Yes it has BEEN broken, but the ice around it has frozen it back to its original cold the blogs, the words, the pain that i write into these blogs...where does it come from you mite ask me...that's simple......

Him..her...her..him and him and her and her and him and all of them,.....there people I know, the people i love, the people i boarders itself from me, I am limited to the knowledge of what love can create and destroy, but I see it, I may not feel it, I hear it, but i can not feel it. Is that true? that i don't feel feel it, that i cant...if that was the case would any of this touch anybody....does it? If love were a piece of land it would be tropical, full of green palm trees, wild plants, plentiful food, white sand and sparkling oceans.....I'm in the north pole...that's how far love seeks to be from me. Again, I'm writing about love...i guess i just watch for it. like when a mother leaves the outside lamp burning waiting for her husband to return from war, or lamp swings in the chilled air of a snowy this case its called my heart.

Curse this thing called love.....

Lets start with her.....

I'm sorry this happened to u, I'm sorry your heart has been ripped from your chest, stomped on while lying in a puddle of blood and left there for all the world to see its damages. what a cruel world for you...hmm..karma....whats left of your soul maybe unrecognizable, i don't think i know you anymore. does it hurt...yes i know it does, you tell me this... to leave you on that fishing line, a little tadpole in a pool of could he.....why would he...bored....annoyed.....hmmm this the worse pain you feel i wonder, could this pain get worse? it can get worse all the time, as long as u still have pieces of your soul....when u no longer feel such pains * like me* your soul has been devoured by your own insecurities, by the unloved that eat at Ur heart, when the last pieces of shattered and someone came with the broom, swept it up and threw it away * I didn't notice when that happened to me* Oh how painful it is right look up at the sky, to look to Ur left, right and all around u...I'm sure it all reminds u of sad.....hmmm....karma...

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