Thursday, December 4, 2008

Love blabber

Love....*smirk* even thru my dark moments, my scary times of writting, my lonley ambitions andmy startling discoverys, I will always love....

Why do we crave such an essence with another person? Is it that important to be loved by someone else? I personally dont believe so, however I have been loved, and felt rather smothered. Does this make me oblivious to love, or was it truly not the right kind. I say not the rite kind, im seeking a love, im not gonna sit and wait for it tho. I just kno its out tehre. And i kno that when i gaze upon him for the first time, when i see his chest raise and fall with life, when i hear his voice carry itself to me, when i see ever curve of his body turn to me, thats when I will kno its love. Its funny, i already kno who you are, i just dont have a clue who you are. Thats rather funny I think. I will kno what i see you, and i only pray Im not passing you everyday in my life. A falme of a candle burns as long as its alowd to...Ill love and seek as long as im allowed to. I feel like that flame, hot to the touch, I can burn easily, but i can be extingushed with just the righty blow. No one wants to hurt, it human nature to hurt. I wont be like the other girls, I will find u, im not gonna waste my time on useless romances, I kno your there i trulyu kno your rite around the corner....wich corner tho...? Its like i kno you already and im greatly missing you, as it i havnt seen you in years, my love once my love disapeared and is comming home to my heart. Will you be my last, My first, my forever? I greatly believe in love at first sight, but I only beleive in that cause it means I loved you in my past lives and that frozen love has passed on thru time. This maybe my greatest weekness , this love thing. I will stand up for everything i believe in, I will protect those i love, but my greatest problem is seeing and believing in this thing called love. thats y i fear so much that u will pass right over me and I wont see you...but still i believe u will do somthing to prove that I do love you....I write this as if your actually reading you are....for gods sake say somthing! ok I think im done now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't really know if i believe in love at first site but i really like the thought of "frozen love has passed on thru time." very poetic. Ya, we do have things in common...