Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Family ties that forever bind!

I feel sorry for people who don't have supportive families, cause i couldn't imagine getting thru the crisis were in now, alone and unloved. lets start off simple....

My mother is the youngest of 10 kids, so you can well imagine that gives me 10 aunts and 9 uncles plus one already dearly departed. And with man and women bares children, i don't know who many cousin i have, maybe around 36 on that side. So either way u can well imagine our Christmas's and family reunions.

So with a large family living all over Canada, its hard to keep in touch, this my mother does by seeking our her 4-5 sister * i cant even remember how many she has* and taking off on there yearly rondavu called the yaya sister hood. By doing this they set aside 4 days to go somewhere in Canada away from children, jobs, husbands and daily stress. If you knew my mother and her sisters you would wanna be that fly on the wall, cause let me tell u , you would be crying from laughing so hard. When ever she comes back from these , its a no tell story, its one of the benefits of her trip, no one is allowed to kno what happened.

This year my mom and her sisters should be leaving around the 15th.....tho this year it shall not happen.

Families flock together for holidays, for companionship, and my mom and her sister get together to talk and catch up on each others lives. With sudden tragic news this plan had been canceled this year, but family prevails thru all odds. I suppose i should explain the tragedy. To put it in the most mild way, my cousin, in fact my favorite cousin, the sister i never had, suddenly tried taking her own life. In this she had nearly succeeded. I wont tell the whole story but i can say this, she was in a coma and on life support. The lines of communication came open. To a bunch of relatives who usually only talk once a year, show so much eagerness to be part of ant situation and ready to trun around and come home if ever needed for the ones they love. I kno there is alot of families like this, but u see few more and more every day. Relatives in Mexico, to relatives in other provinces, the line of communication hasn't shut down since. I'm Happy to report that as of 3:00 pm today my cousin no longer in on life support and is coherent, the down side, she isn't remembering much, its a time tells all thing..she could have forgotten everyone. when i found out what happened, i wanted to cry, i didn't...my mom was crying and sat there taking a deep breath. Im not cryer, never was, i guess as cold hearted as it is to say, i find it being a weakness to myself. Also i figured if i started crying it would of meant she died, like i was already saying goodbye, and god know i wasn't ready to do that. This cousin has always been a sort of role model for me, and if it wasn't for her words, i still think i would be stuck wondering what i wanna do with my life. So now i figured i had to write about it to get it off my chest. this all happened cause her heart was broken....

I cam to some ideas about it, more so religious ideas...

Was she so hurt by the loss of love, that god knew, hew knew her pain and told her she could come home? not that god gives permission to kill yourself, but i mean while she was in a coma.
maybe our prayers reached him and he heard how much we still wanted her with us, there for a compromise had to be met . Does god compromise? he would make her forget him, but with a price, us as well. what harder...to hear ur child has died from attempted suicide, or to hear ur child doesn't know who you are from attempted suicide but you can make something as to why there in the hospital and don't remember for there sanity sakes? when one survives such a horrible thing, how do they feel about it after? We all have had thoughts of suicide, many of my friends say they have stopped cause they thought of how there family and friends would feel. so how blank is the mind when the thought of family doesn't even come up when you swallow each pill one by one?

Again a situation i guess i really don't kno about, Ive never been that far, nor do i wish i ever will be.... i feel better now..

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