Thursday, March 6, 2008

What is this?

Hello and welcome to your night of UN-yielding entertainment, where the Flo of the living poison shall course through your body at the speed of blood and surrender your mind and all other motor functions of your body to its momentary bliss.

this is a night to which u shall relinquish all things that harm you and threaten your humanity. This is where you will see the humanoids around for whom they really are, and they shall see you....! Where they are fake, and some are oh so real. Upon all this renewed enlightenment you will be surcomed to the sounds of which we will call a hypnotizing melody, for in which you will move and sway your body in erotic fashion and show everyone around you how little you care of what they think of you.

how is the live poison filling your body, have you had enuf yet. please continue drinking down the liquid rainbow and let it brings its warm colors to your soul. Here is where you can let go of everything, here is where you can be something your not, or truly something you are. Now that your night has been fulfilled, we ask that you forget how great the poison, and hypnosis feels, and feel pain and agony the next day, as you know there is a price for everything. Of course tho.....when the poisons and hypnosis finally wares off, please....come back for more.....every time....

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