Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reflections shall say the most...

I'll look at the mirror and see me, oh how judged i am, not just by others, but by my own self. "Define me"... i say to the reflection, but it just stares blankly at me. "What am I?" i say, but it still stares blankly back. So here is me, the one who defines the Island love, and yet I'm not even on it. I know everyone who is on it and everyone who has left and even those who are returning for the millionth time, but still my feet have not gone more then one step into the sand. I seem to stand back, and ride out the storms, tho I'm not to sure why, they always hurt me. But i do become stronger and I can then help others become stronger. "What is my purpose?" i say to the mirror and nothing, why cant i get a response from myself from the other side of this lingo. Who is the real reflection, the one i see, or the one it sees. While I sit here in tragic destiny's and Broken hearts , where is my reflection, is it opposite, so therefore am I in love? I'm the one who knows what i want, but afraid of getting what i ask for. I'm the one who seeks out the best, the only and the right...and when i think i found it, its not the best, the only or the right. I'm strong, your strong, we both know that....but when it comes to it, when it comes to love, the island love,.....i just wont come ashore. even tho i crave it SO much, i keep on seeing reasons why I shouldn't...oh that island....someday i will have to aboard that of which I created! Dammit, why are these reflections so complicated!

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