Sunday, March 23, 2008

Four legged miracles x 5

So this shall be a different blog from the others, they have been almost depressing as of late, But tonite when i got home from a movie, i was in higher spirits , and at first i wasnt so sure why.....but now I do.

I walked in the door and I am greeted by my children. No, not your regular children, but my 5 fur children. Barks, whines and meows all come to say hello in there own language, but i know what they say. Our youngest, our pup bambi almost seems to cry a hello while wagging his fluffy tail. Tinkerbell, the second oldest of all five jumps up at my legs, ive had her for almost 3 years now. I picked her out of a white litter of 4 when she was 2 weeks old. They marked her with purple nail polish on her toe. I went and saw her twice a week until i could take her home, our bond was created pretty much from her birth. I remember i was so scared to sleep that nite, i would watch her sleep, watch her chest rise and fall, and see the small wimpers she would have from scary dreams. thats when i would cuddle up with her, and stay awake until she stopped shaking. she was so small, maybe a pound, maybe not even, i was so afraid somone would step on her around the house, she was so clutsy and could barely walk. But she knew that where i went she had to to. Her little stubby legs would push as hard as they could to make sure i was within site. everyone couldnt believe how small she was, and I was proud to say she was all mine, i finally had a dog i been asking for ,for almost 6 years. Oh my little tinkerbell, i love her so much, she means the world to me, and always makes me smile, always makes me feel loved.

Even with tinkerbell we can't forget our little bambi, going into the pet store that day obviously sealed our fate. My room mate had been trying for years for a pomeranian, but it always seemed to elude her. but we kept positive and always said "well that one just wasnt meant to be yours" . when we walked into the animal store that day, i turned to her and said "dont come in" of course she didnt listen to me, when does she. still lieing there in his little crate all alone was this little fluff ball, who was afraid of everything around him. i told michelle not to hold him, she would get hooked, but the worker took him out and handed him right into her arms, naturally it was love at first hold. His price wasnt to bad either, but we just didnt have that kind of money, we were so sad to leave him by then. The worker i guess knew and we worked out one hell of a deal, by the end of that day, we walked out with a new little puppy. As for the scared part, yea that quickly melted away. The first months with bambi were much harder then i imagined them to be, we just moved back from calgary and we were both working hard and odd hours, it was comming to the point when the only time he saw us was for bathroom breaks and food, we stopped spending time with him. The house we lived in made it unable for him to roam free as there were pills and what not left on the ground over and over from the senior we lived with. It was hard to see what the puppy was into when we wernt there. I remeber one night, his howling from downstairs was heart breaking, i felt like the worse person in the world. Michelle and I talked that night, that maybe it was best to sell him, we just wernt caring for him the way he needed it. As these plans were being thought out, things changed, and we ended up finally renting our own place, a large house, with a large backyard. We wernt gonna give up then, not at that point! with tinkerbell never liking bambi we were hoping this would help, as she was also being put into a unhealthy situations, the senior giving her human food all the time, she became ill and fat, we hoped this move would help. Boy were we right! within 2 days of livin in the new place, bambi was a whole other dog, as well as tink and we were new people, he was adorable, not a nusance anymore, he became the light of a room. we enjoy having his company now, and spent every minute with him. Our jobs changed and that made time scheduals much easier. As for him and tink, it may of taken 6 or so months, but they have become very close, wich i never thought could happen. Now when we walk in the door, i can see how happy they are to see us, and how happy we are to see them.

Now this isnt just a life gone to the no......welcome to the pussy midarko, malibu, and mayza.....

midarko, the oldest of all of the fur children. her "before us" story lyes some where in the depressing list. Our cat went missing while we were on vacation *we shall not say how, as its a horrible act of human beings* after 3 months of looking the spca called saying they think they found her, when we went to see her we were so sure it was her the animal shelter gave her to us for a low fee*should of been charged alot since she had no collar or tags* It wasnt until 2 or 3 years later that we found out the truth,. To make a long story short the cat we found went into heat, wich our cat shouldnt do since she was fixed. We brought her to the vet who did a operation and found out that the cat wasnt fixed at all. Our hearts were broken, the cat we had for the past 3 years wasnt our original midarko.....none the less, we loved her very much and were going to keep her. see when we went tothe spca that day, she was thin, hair missing and the tips of her ear frzen off, and bad frostbite on her feet. maybe we always knew it wasnt our original, but she just said " help me" to us from behind those bars. Say the least we found out the truth behind our real midarko *RIP* and we will always miss her, but this is our midarko now, the loving, cuddle, talkative black cat who loves to pur when we pet her.

The carasmatic maliboo, our little boo boo. Michelle just decided one day that she wanted another cat to go along with midarko, so up to the spca we went. Michelle said she would love somthing with blue eyes. We went and looked at the kittens and found a small fluffy boy, but while holding him, he seemed weak and indifferent, turned out he as really ill, and wasnt promised to make it thru the night. so we left the kitten room, on the way out we decided to look in the older cats rooms. There was some magnificent creatures in there but non that caught at us, not right away anyways. On one cage was pinned a sign " please adopt me, ive been here to long" in plain english that meant someone adopt me soon or im going to be taking the long walk to the back room. of course this sign made us sad. but what we saw next filled us with joy, these little blue eyes peering back at us thru the bars. Michelles face lit up, the little cat knew it and responded with a little meek meow. They had her named panda, as her face looked like one. It wasnt even a question, we knew this little cat was to be a part of our little family. unfortunetly We had to wait a week as she was getting fixed. when we brought her home, her and midarko clinged and were always together. maliboo, as we named her after, became a loving animal. she wants attention all the time, and loves to talk. Her favorite place is upon michelles shoulders while she is on the computer. She never stops purring and love to cuddle at night. I couldnt imagine her being put down. what a ray of sunshine she has become in our lives, i couldnt imgaine life without our little boo boo.


she probably has the most simple of all the stories One day it was that simple, lets get a third cat, but we wanted a kitten this time. After a week or so of looking, we found someone who was selling siamese/himalyen kittens for 30 bucks. i went and picked her out. big blue eyes and face that would melt any heart. She was a ball of energy that one. but when calmed down, her favorite place to sleep would be , being held like a baby and her paws rubbed. sleeping with her in the bed was hard, i was so afraid to squish her and would wake up all the time to make sure she was ok. michelle and I took turns sleeping with her so we could each get some good nights sleep. She is almost a year today and has turned into a beautiful teen cat, but has a teen attitude. she never wants to listen, and is always beating up her older sister maliboo. Her and bambi have become rather inseperable. She is not talkative at all, but has the same cuddle bug as the other cats. We call her james bond as she has figured how to slide along the wood floors after a fast run. she just helps complete our little set.

Maybe some people would find me writting about my animals over the top, but how can they. we write about things in our daily lives all the time, talk about the latest thing that happened. I have 5 fur children, i think i have alot to talk about. They are always entertaining, there to make u laugh and have a good time, and never far when u sit and cry. a house just isnt a home without animals, 1 or 10 nothin will ever compare to comming home, walking in to door and seeing 4 little paws prancing around beyond excited to see u, like they havnt seen you for years. Animals are the most forgiving creatures, and will always amaze us with the miracles they pull everyday. maybe ur not an animal person, maybe u will be after u read this, maybe it will make u apprectiate urs more, or maybe u will just understand what im talking about, either way, we people make the world go round....but i think a pet, a fur child, a best friend on 4 legs, is what keeps us people going round.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reflections shall say the most...

I'll look at the mirror and see me, oh how judged i am, not just by others, but by my own self. "Define me"... i say to the reflection, but it just stares blankly at me. "What am I?" i say, but it still stares blankly back. So here is me, the one who defines the Island love, and yet I'm not even on it. I know everyone who is on it and everyone who has left and even those who are returning for the millionth time, but still my feet have not gone more then one step into the sand. I seem to stand back, and ride out the storms, tho I'm not to sure why, they always hurt me. But i do become stronger and I can then help others become stronger. "What is my purpose?" i say to the mirror and nothing, why cant i get a response from myself from the other side of this lingo. Who is the real reflection, the one i see, or the one it sees. While I sit here in tragic destiny's and Broken hearts , where is my reflection, is it opposite, so therefore am I in love? I'm the one who knows what i want, but afraid of getting what i ask for. I'm the one who seeks out the best, the only and the right...and when i think i found it, its not the best, the only or the right. I'm strong, your strong, we both know that....but when it comes to it, when it comes to love, the island love,.....i just wont come ashore. even tho i crave it SO much, i keep on seeing reasons why I shouldn't...oh that island....someday i will have to aboard that of which I created! Dammit, why are these reflections so complicated!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another her on the "Island love"

Here is you, the girl that everyone sees that everyone sees is beautiful, on your own you stand out of the crowd, but not down inside urself, you feel like ur own beauty cannot stand alone, and will only shine if another is beside you. Your own self defeat is your greatest enemy., you choose to hide by thinking your shining by those others. Love comes to you far to easy, and you let the definition of love roll right off your tongue and onto theirs. For someone with such a strong personality, you let love be the one thing that will walk all over you. Your on the island called love, but even tho you think ur found, your so lost. The island is very large and you have yet to actually find a spot to set up camp, you travel to all of there camps, to see if there shelter will suit you, but little do you see, ur more then compable of making your own security. Were glad your on the island of love, but with being in such a rush, you will find the wrong kind of shelter, a non strong one, and a tidal wave will carry you out to sea, and the island love will no longer be in hands reach. To stay on the island, you need to make your own plans, your own shelters and your own securities, and then he will come to you. He will be impressed when he can see that he can protect you, as much as you can protect him.... He IS on this island, I promise

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Messages in the wind.......

So here is where the line of emotions falter.... I want my life with you, and only you. I will do anything to have you, I will do everything to keep you. Emotions have run thru me so fast, so unfamiliar this time, that i think there right. I want to say the words love, but i think i may have surpassed such a thing. I never want to loose this feeling, ever....and if the day shall come when i realize that I've lost that spark, I'm sure just the thought of you would light it up could be my everything, my life, my soul. I have one yes....but its so alone and not could complete it....complete me.....I want you so damn bad, the small fibers that make up my body are screaming loud enuf people around me can hear them. I wish i could send what my heart is feeling in the air, let the wind catch it and carry it all the way to you. Where the wind wind blow and shivers would climb ur spine, and you would stop and feel what i feel. And i would keep sending my messages thru the wind, until finally the wind itself carried you back to me. I would never drink a liquid again if it meant i had you, for I would just have to drink your presence up and my thirst would be quenched. when you looked at me....when you smiled, when you nodded.......when it just turned into a moment of you and I....when I realized what my heart was trying to tell me all this time.....the ways i think of you.....nothing can truly explained this time, i have no explanation, please don't ask me...i will never be able to give you a answer.....just be mine,....

I will do anything to have you......I will do anything to keep you....

Thursday, March 6, 2008

What is this?

Hello and welcome to your night of UN-yielding entertainment, where the Flo of the living poison shall course through your body at the speed of blood and surrender your mind and all other motor functions of your body to its momentary bliss.

this is a night to which u shall relinquish all things that harm you and threaten your humanity. This is where you will see the humanoids around for whom they really are, and they shall see you....! Where they are fake, and some are oh so real. Upon all this renewed enlightenment you will be surcomed to the sounds of which we will call a hypnotizing melody, for in which you will move and sway your body in erotic fashion and show everyone around you how little you care of what they think of you.

how is the live poison filling your body, have you had enuf yet. please continue drinking down the liquid rainbow and let it brings its warm colors to your soul. Here is where you can let go of everything, here is where you can be something your not, or truly something you are. Now that your night has been fulfilled, we ask that you forget how great the poison, and hypnosis feels, and feel pain and agony the next day, as you know there is a price for everything. Of course tho.....when the poisons and hypnosis finally wares off, please....come back for more.....every time....

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Wrong side of the Island

Who do they think you are....who do they think you are not....the reactions so different....the colors around you, there air thick, thin,,,every one breathes it in so differently. I think your not just one persona, i think your many, I think you have more to you then ANYONE has yet to see. Oh how love comes into your grasp, but what happens...maybe it runs maybe you let it don't mean u? maybe you do. Insecurities can kill you.....and leave you a old crazy cat women...i know....Your eyes sparkle, like your on the Island love all the time....but your lost, your on the wrong side, walk the beach...walk to the other side...what no? the sands are to deep and hard to pass, and the angry animals of the island, the unloved ones who only live in one spot are blocking your path...wait what did we call these creatures again...or yea insecurities, mean people, the unloved....what horrible creatures always seek your faith full heart, they wish to tare it from your chest and slowly gnaw it away...but make you watch in horror and agony...i guess they have already had nibbles, love has left you stained and hurt, something that's made to make you happy, has left you on the wrong side of it. How do you beat the monsters, how do you kill them and how do u protect your own heart. Such silence follows you, such pain mimics you, like a puppet it pretends to be your friend, while being controlled by your enemy. The water is fresher on the other side you know.....the sands are softer...kill the beasts that stop you. how how many times you have been close to the other side, but the beasts, they always come out of hiding, and scare you back to Ur secluded side of the island...there jealous..your beauty makes them feel ugly, your charm makes them feel dumb, your smile darkens there lives and lights up our. Your eyes carry the sun...they hate the sun...your voice speak lullaby's...they hate to sleep, they never sleep...that's why they keep you on that side of the island...come to this side...he is here...he will be waiting for you...i promise......

PS before you come over here, can you um...change ur socks.....