Wednesday, May 21, 2008

love stoned

Dear .........
I shall not say a name for I do not believe there is one name alone to describe the higher power.

So here I shall pray to whatever type of god is listening. I have befallen the curse of love, that's right, this heart of stone of which was placed in my chest by gods before thee, has finally been made into flesh and blood, and now beats with another hopeful soul. Tho As we shall all recall the last time this cold piece of earth turned to flesh it was forcefully, brutally and inhumanly stabbed in the end by the exact love it seeked out. I remember the day my heart stopped beating as a heart, and turned cold and grey to become stone, with the thoughts of never to be human again. But now , even as I wished it wouldn't happen it has. love has come to seek out yet another revenge with the gods and has placed my heart in the middle of the battle. Love is fighting for flesh,.....gods are fighting for stone ......and I have no say for I don't know wich side to choose. There for I shall look at the obvious....I like him...more then I thought I could like someone in this time of my i should say no, I don't want the flesh, I don't want it to end in horrible heart break where my heart will burst like a volcano and the lava cool over into stone again. But wait....shall i rethink stand on the sidewalk and watch him go past and say that I didn't even try, who cares if I get hurt again, my heart knows well what to expect. (snicker) Listen to me...of course I care if I get hurt, I don't want to ever feel the agony of flesh moulding and freezing back into stone, thus pain was far from unbearable. Tho I do believe I could live thru such a transformation again, tho that will be the final time and thus heart will never beat again, the gods would win then. The heart would be stone, a stand still for all of time, to always show there legacy of the powers they control and how we pray to them no matter what the tittle. So again Ive come to the ultimate question we all ask, those who have been heart, and this would be all of I take the leap ...again...and risk stone and ice forever...Do I take the chance that my chest shall never be an erupting volcano again and will always beat flesh and blood....? So i pray to these gods, no matter the title.....what do u say i shall do? Tho I shall remember, love waits for no ones, but we all wait for love.

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