you...you promised to get me to save me, you promised you would be here , you said be patient, how LONG do I have to wait, my patience is gone, I'm sick of this "human condition" ! All the rules you told me to follow I am, but I'm losing ground, I don't know how much longer I can hold out. where are you?......come get me already.....no come rescue me now!!!!!!!
I look to the sky every nite, knowing that you to are look at the same sky, the same stars, the same moon. I know that when the breeze brushes my skin, its your hand reaching out to me. But why, why am I still here alone with out you. I'm still in this condition, I'm getting worse and don't know how to get out of it. They say my future to me, and for some reason, your never mentioned...don't tell me you abanded me? everything I am is for you, every breath I'm taking , ever inhale, ever exhale. Love is what we make of it, and I'm still wanting to make you my love, just like before, just like way back then....in that past, and the one before it and even before that. My love for you crosses any time, any space any black hole.l It will surpass history, past , present and future. I'm sorry that its hard to find me....is it hard to find me? is that really whats wrong?
please don't give up on me, please keep me in your heart, I still only have half my soul as you have rest, you have always had the rest, that's why Ive never felt like a whole. Hmm listen to me, the one telling everyone else you don't need another half to feel whole.....
But its not true with me, unlike them who are already whole, I truly am only half at this point, living this existence this way is making me lose that Little half i have left. How long do you expect me to hold out on this. I know, you want me to wait forever, and you know that I will tho I know you will not wait forever, please don't make this any longer and hurry. I cry for nothing and no one, but right now at this moment, I could break into tears that would fall so heavily on my heart that its enough to create a massive destructible earthquake within my heart. My chest hurts so much from this pain of constant wondering. every person i look into the eyes of I wonder if its you staring back at me.....every voice i hear makes me turn around to see if its directed at me. And every time I feel someone close to me and no one is there, I know its my memories playing tricks on me, they miss you to I think...my memories.
I keep this fake on forever you know, I cant keep going living in a total lie to myself. I am as people see me, but I'm not who they think....I'm yours, and yours alone....please....I beg of you, no longer keep me is the crippled world, this obsolete life that I'm sadly living, Im sick of the wars, im sick of the death, Im sick of the hatres, abuse, the disgusting way that humans act... please come be the person i know you are, and bring me back to the way I once was, so, so so long ago......the way WE were so long ago.
I love you....
I love you today, yesterday and tomorrow........
Not even a sword drenched in poison, rammed thru my heart can stop me from what I know, no....what I feel! If I die is this life before seeing you, then my love will just carry on to my next life. If that happens....don't wait so long next time.....but until that moment should happen, come find me now.....now........come find me, come wrap me up in your arms, let me feel your breath on my neck, let me feel your arms holding me tight, let me feel the heat of your body against mine. please......enuf is enuf.....
Come find me, come love me....the way that you were destined to do....